I’m in the market to purchase a mini crossbody bag and I’ve shortlisted the top 5 designer mini crossbody bags on my radar today. This list includes bags from Prada, Givenchy, Céline, Saint Laurent and Balenciaga.
I love investing in designer pieces, especially when it comes to handbags. Considering that it’s one of the items that you will use daily, (also for an extended period of time i.e. years) – it really doesn’t seem as bad to splurge and invest in a high quality, classic, piece that will last you a long time.
Currently in my collection, I have either big bags, or I have super nano bags/wallet on chain. I do have one somewhat small/medium bag but it’s not a cross-body. And I honestly feel the need to purchase a mini crossbody bag because: 1) it just seem so practical and fuss-free and; 2) it seems very versatile, it’s easy to dress up or down.
Now, you might not agree with my list, and that’s totally fine. There’s lots of beautiful designer mini crossbody bags, but the bags on my shortlist are bags that have met, at least most, of the following requirements:
- It fits my shaker. I leave really early in the morning for work, which means breakfast has got to be on the go. My shaker being able to fit is one of the most important requirements;
- I can wear it to work and look professional (I work at a big corporate);
- It’s a classic and not so much of a trendy piece;
- It’s not crazy expensive.
So well, let’s get to it. Here’s my list:
Prada Galleria Mini
I’ve always thought the Prada Galleria bags are the most perfect bag for a working professional. I’ve always had a thing for it but I’ve just never had the strongest urge to get it.
Why I am revisiting it now is solely thanks to Jessica Pearson of Suits. If you haven’t watch it, go now. She carries the galleria bag in multiple episodes and the interest is just sparked again.
This time, I discovered that they actually have a cute mini size which you can put cross-body. It’s just so damn perfect. It’s not small enough that nothing will fit, but it’s not big enough that it will drown me. Plus, it’s super appropriate for work.
Unfortunately it’s a bit hard to be sure about this bag. I didn’t find one YouTuber who reviewed this bag (specifically the mini size). And, if you browse through PurseForum, there’s so many wear and tear comments relating to the Galleria bags in general (e.g cracked glazing, stitching issues).
Also, if you browse through Vestiaire Collective, you’d see that the secondhand version of these bags loses nearly 50% of its value. And, you would see that some of the bags loses its shape and the corners are worn out. Totally not reassuring.
Pros: More work appropriate but I think you can still wear it semi-casually?; Mini size that still fits a lot; Classic.
Cons: Reviews suggest that the quality isn’t as nice (loses its shape, cracked glazing, stitching issues); doesn’t hold its value; it’s replicated so often.
Retail Price: €1,450
Resell Price: starting from €800 (almost 44% less than its original price)
Celine Luggage Tote Mini
This bag is probably the most expensive out of all the ones on this list. But other than that, it’s also one of the most elegant/structured bag. I love its silhouette and I think Céline is an amazing fashion house. Despite it looking small, it apparently fits quite a lot.
Also, it’s an all leather bag. I think it can be super nice but I’ve seen mixed opinions about this. Some are saying that the Celine Nano is fragile/high maintenance because it’s all leather- but there are also people saying that it’s not true, and that this bag is super durable. Either way, I think it’s just a matter of how you take care of your bag. I’ve watched so many reviews on this bag and the overall opinion is highly positive.
My favorite reviews are by Chase Amie, Elle be, and Minks4all. Their videos are super informative and it’s super fun to watch. If you’re considering this bag, you should give one of those videos a watch!
Pros: Versatile (casual and work appropriate); Mini size that still fits a lot; Classic; All-leather.
Cons: $$$$; All-leather; Straps not adjustable.
Retail Price: €1,900
Resell Price: starting from €1,400 (around 26% less than its original price)
Givenchy Antigona Mini
This one is again, a bag inspired by the characters of Suits. I personally never thought I’d actually consider getting this bag- mainly because I thought that they were really bulky and big (I thought the Antigonas only came in Small and Medium). But, when I saw Donna Paulsen carrying the mini version, I literally couldn’t stop obsessing over it.
It is literally the cutest looking bag, ever. It just to me, look like a soft candy, I don’t know if that makes sense. But I just love this bag, it looks so cute in the mini size. I have been since, obsessed with this bag.
Out of all the bags, this, I think should be one of the cheapest but definitely not the least in terms of value/quality. I browsed through Vestiaire Collective to see what the secondhand market for this bag would look like and, from what I saw, the Antigona really does hold its value (or at least close to it) and after several uses, it still holds it shape.
I actually saw and tried on the red Antigona mini a few days ago. And I literally lost it, I couldn’t contain myself. It is the cutest bag ever and it took me so much willpower to not purchase it on the spot. My boyfriend was actually convinced that I wasn’t leaving the store without it.
Pros: Versatile (casual and work appropriate); Super functional mini sized bag that still fits a lot; Durable and low maintenance; Light; Lower price tag; Super edgy; Adjustable Straps.
Cons: Can be a bit bulky if you wear it as cross-body.
Retail Price: €1,290
Resell Price: starting from €1,000 (only 22% less than its original price)
Saint Laurent Sac de Jour Nano
The Sac de Jour is definitely a super work appropriate bag, which I can somewhat see myself wear casually as well. I’m not super in love with it but I know that if I have it, I will still enjoy wearing it. I love how short the strap looks on the model, and how the bag is just a mini square bag.
It’s super simple and I think it’s a safe option. I’m just not that in love with it but it is still super nice. LadyCode’s review is super helpful and I love how she compared this bag along with the Givenchy Antigona Mini and Celine Luggage Tote Mini.
Pros: Can be versatile (casual and work appropriate); Simple and classic; All-leather.
Cons: All-leather; no zipper; doesn’t seem to fit as much as the other bags (I’m not sure about this one though).
Retail Price: starting from €1,490
Resell Price: starting from €1,200 (only 19% less than its original price)
Balenciaga Classic City Mini
I’ve always loved the design of Balenciaga Classic City bags. The Balenciaga Classic City in Calfskin/Vibrato Leather is actually the first designer bag that I purchased by myself. I got an incredible bonus that year and I was starting a new job- so when I saw that they rolled out the limited edition Classic City in Calfskin/Vibrato leather, I immediately purchased it without a second thought.
Now that I have the medium size I really, really, want to have a mini sized classic city. I can only wear my medium sized one to work, or whilst travelling (like for long-flights) and I really wish I have the mini version which I could just wear all the time. The mini size is super cute, and easy to style. It looks like it can fit a lot (although I doubt that it will fit my shaker).
Pros: Versatile (casual and work appropriate); Super easy to style; Light; Lower price tag.
Cons: It doesn’t fit as much (especially not my shaker I think); I’m also considering the classic city nano.
Retail Price: €1,190
Resell Price: starting from €700 (almost 44% less than its original price)
And that concludes my list…
Let me know what you think below in the comment section. Which one would you pick? Do you own one of the bags? Let me know how happy you are with it 🙂
Thanks for reading
[…] Ever since last year I wanted a cross-body bag which I could use for work and off-duty. It needed to be practical, i.e. it needed to fit all the things I needed it to fit and easy to carry, but it also needed to look good. The top 5 which I considered were basically this. […]